
January 14, 2022

By Barret Procyshyn, Pharmacist at Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy

It has been a really cold holiday season and start to the new year. We have seen many -30c temperatures with windchill values getting to as low as -50c. At these temperatures it has been difficult to embrace winter. However, it is not warming up so hopefully you get to enjoy some activities whether its cross-country skiing, spending time on the ice, snowboarding on the slopes, or fat biking on the trails.

Weather reporting is more accurate and more accessible than ever before, which allows you to fully prepare for the weather and spend more time outdoors. It is the windchill values being reported on 730 CKDM which are the important factor to consider. A warm January day can still be dangerous with a howling wind.

Although you may not feel cold when you walk out the door, always consider the risk for frostbite. While we have been warned of frostbite since childhood many may not realize what it is or how quickly it can happen. If you have children, you need to take extra care of their sensitive skin. Frostbite is medically defined as a cold-induced injury, occurring when ice crystals develop in the skin. As ice crystals develop water is removed from the skin's cells, the skin becomes dehydrated and then skin cells become damaged.

The severity of frostbite is directly related to the extremity of cold temperature, duration of exposure, and the amount of time the skin tissue is frozen. It is a simple formula, as the severity or duration of these factors increases, more ice crystals formation occurs; and more damage is done to the skin. Interesting to note, high humidity in the air will increase the risk of injury. Hands and feet account for over 90% of frostbite cases, while the ears and face are other common sites. Where the skin is exposed, frostbite will occur.

Frostnip, not to be confused with frostbite, is a pre-freeze condition of the skin when the tissue cools to below 10 Celsius and turns a bluish white color. There may be numbness and tingling but there is no tissue damage. This is because the temperature of the skin has not cooled enough for the water in the cells to form ice crystals. In frost bite the frozen skin appears as a waxy-white, greyish or yellowish plaque surrounded by redness. If the hands have been frostbitten, movements may be clumsy or not possible.

Quick action is required with some important steps to initiate if frostbite has occurred. To prevent further heat loss from then skin, remove wet and tight-fitting clothing. Do not rub the affected area as it may cause further skin damage. The area should be warmed by immersing in warm bath water (40-42 Celsius) for 10 -30 minutes. The myth of using a cold object or ice to treat frost bite is simple just a myth. Sterile dressings can be applied to protect the area. Frost bite should always be observed by a health care professional to determine severity.

The necessary process of rewarming the skin will bring throbbing pain, flushing, and redness, should be done as soon as possible. Partial rewarming and refreezing must be avoided as it will worsen the frostbite. Blisters may form within the first 24 hours if the frostbite was somewhat severe. Blisters must always be assessed by a physician. In the most serious injuries tissue loss and amputation occurs within 45 days. Long term effects of any severity of frostbite can include cold sensitivity, loss of sensation, skin color changes and nail deformations.

If blisters form from frostbite, aloe vera can be applied every six hours. Ibuprofen or naproxen, due to their anti-inflammatory effect, is recommended to provide pain relief and it can help prevent further damage to the frozen area. Although these medications are available over the counter, you should always consult your pharmacist for proper dosing and to make sure these products do not interfere with any other medications.

Frostbite can be easily prevented. Always pay close attention to the forecast. The best way is to listen to 730 CKDM weather reports for the temperature with the wind-chill. If the outside temperature is -10 Celsius, but it feels like -20 the wind makes it feel like a day when it is -2 Celsius. The higher the wind-chill, the higher the rate your body will lose body heat. Keep in mind that the risk of frostbite increases rapidly when wind chill values go below -27. At wind chills of -28 to -40 exposed skin freezes in 10 to 30 minutes. At wind chills of -40 or lower, skin can freeze in as little as 5 minutes. If you must go out when the wind chills values are significant, dress warmly, stay dry and keep moving! Remember to keep those kiddos warm as well and if you need the Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy delivers 7 days a week, whether its -5 or -50.

The information in this article is intended as a helpful guide only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional advice. If you have any questions about your medications and what is right for you see your doctor, pharmacist, or other health care professional.


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