COVID-19 & Vaccine Update

July 6, 2021

By Barret Procyshyn, Pharmacist at Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy

Here is some quick and up to date information on Covid-19 vaccinations to take us into a summer of more open businesses and less cases. Yes, vaccines are working. In fact, they are working quite well. Cases OF Covid-19 in Manitoba are dropping significantly, now that vaccine supply is available, and injections are ramping up. Manitoba had set the goal of being able to do 20 000 vaccinations per day. We are exceeding that goal and may hit up to 40 000 vaccinations on select days. First dose appointments have slowed considerably, but pharmacies and doctor's clinics are being provided a constant supply. This will in turn increase accessibility. By the end of June Manitoba should have a first dose rate of about 75% of those eligible and over 40% fully vaccinated. Manitoba and Canada will pass the US in fully vaccinated eligible population at some point in July. Cases in Manitoba are down from a high of 600 per day in May to less than 100 per day being reported at the end of June. Positivity rates are down by as much as 10%. Hospital data should also improve as cases drop; it just takes time.

Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy currently has a good supply of Moderna available and lots of weekday appointments available for first or second doses. To get on our list to be able to book an appointment go to You can also call us at 204-638-4602. We were also selected as one of 15 sites in Manitoba to administer 2nd doses of the Astra Zeneca vaccine for those who want it. If you have questions about vaccines or have concerns your pharmacist can help answer them. I highly suggest not reading Facebook posts about how people are dying or getting sick from the vaccine. That is not true. Vaccines are showing to be quite safe. We learn more about them every day as over three billion people have been vaccinated worldwide. have now received a Covid-19 vaccination. An interesting fact showing the effectiveness of vaccination: The USA if reporting 99% of all COVID-19 deaths are occurring in those who have not been vaccinated.

Youth appointments are limited due to a decreased Pfizer supply. This will continue until Pfizer supply increases back up at the end of July. Moderna may also be approved for ages 12+ in the coming days or weeks so keep an eye out for that. If approved for use, Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy will be able to book Moderna appointments for 12+. Also watch the Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy Facebook page to see if we happen to receive Pfizer at the end of the month.

The Delta variant, which originated with India is the biggest threat right now to our pandemic situation. It is reported as 2x more contagious than other variants. We do not know yet is this variant is more dangerous or deadly. This strain will soon be the most common type of COVID in the world. Single vaccination is likely only 30-40% effective against the Delta variant so it is crucial to get double vaccinated as soon as possible. Two doses of our vaccines are highly protective against developing symptoms after catching the Delta variant: 88% for the Pfizer (and likely Moderna) vaccine, and 60% for the AstraZeneca vaccine, earlier UK data showed. You can still get the variant if you are fully vaccinated but the chance of getting sick or dying from COVID is showing to be very minimal. In the UK no fully vaccinated people under 50 died, and the overall death rate was 0.13%. Because of the Delta variant, we may have to keep wearing masks and some restrictions may remain in place until we understand its impact.

Vaccination status cards are available in digital format 14 days from your second dose. Being fully vaccinated will allow you to travel without having to isolate when you return. It will also allow you to dine indoors with others and maybe even attend a football game in August. As reported by the province: "When you request your immunization card, a digital card that you can carry on your mobile device will be created automatically. If you request a physical card, it should arrive in the mail within two weeks. These cards will include your first and last names and a QR code. When scanned with the Manitoba Immunization Card app. the QR code will show that you are fully vaccinated.

To be eligible to request your immunization card:

-you must have a Manitoba health card

-you must have received all required doses of a vaccine

-you must wait 14 days after getting your last dose of vaccine

Seniors who do not have access to the internet can phone to order a card by calling 1-800-392-1207."

Even if you are vaccinated it is still important to stay home if you are sick. The province is also reporting they have a fair amount of testing capacity so do not hesitate to go for a test if needed. COVID-19 will not be eradicated anytime soon, however if we limited cases and do not overwhelm the health care system we can continue to trend back to our "normal" which includes open businesses, travel, visiting family, sporting events and community events.

The information in this article is intended as a helpful guide only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional advice. If you have any questions about your medications and what is right for you see your doctor, pharmacist, or other health care professional.


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